Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


Participants : Alain Giboin, Nhan Le Than, Michel Buffa.

Nhan Le Than animates the ePSP interdisciplinary working group at Nice Sophia Antipolis University on the topics of personalized eHealth (http://epsp.unice.fr/ ).

HCI Group of Pôle GLC at I3S UNS

Participant : Alain Giboin.

The HCI Group brings together researchers from Pôle GLC teams conducting or wishing to conduct research related to HCI. The group specifically addresses the issues of how to conduct user experiments to evaluate the UIs of the software developed in GLC. The group establishes collaborations between researchers in the design and implementation of experiments. Collaboration took place this year between the teams Rainbow and Wimmics on the assessment of (1) an application composition process driven by the composition of UIs, and (2) the prototype OntoCompo supporting this process.The prototype allows a composition mainly driven by the direct manipulation of UI elements, the other components (task model and software components) being hidden, but still being linked to the UI elements. A user testing of both the process and the prototype has been designed and implemented [70] .

Collaboration Agorantic-Inria

Participant : Alain Giboin.

Agorantic is a Federative Structure for Research of the Université d’Avignon et des Pays du Vaucluse, conducting studies on ”Culture, heritage and digital societies”. Agorantic is interested in how worlds of culture and heritage interact with the Web and digital technology, leading, e.g., to: new forms of knowledge sharing and access to culture, heritage and territories; new forms of writing, mediation and use of cultural events and heritage; new forms of mobility and of territorial representation. Collaboration began this year between ITCS and HSS teams from Agorantic and Inria Sophia Antipolis, including Wimmics, conducting interdisciplinary ITCS-HSS research. This initial collaboration resulted in setting up a proposal of a project for analyzing, designing, and evaluating a system recommending visit tours to museum visitors (individuals and groups).

MSHS : Axe-2 ”TIC, Usages et Communautés”

Participants : Alain Giboin, Aurore Defays, Fabien Gandon.

Axis-2 of the Maison des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (MSHS) du Sud-Est (Nice) is interested in the relationships between ICT, Practices and Communities. Axis-2 objective is to make explicit two aspects of the relationship between digital technology and community building: (1) networks and (2) artifacts. Two Axis-2 groups-projects address these aspects: (1) the group-project ”Social networks and digital networks” and the group-project ”Artifacts and coordination.” The first group-project examines how the Internet allows reconstructing the dynamics of interaction networks by making explicit interaction phenomena that could not be observed and treated before the event of Big Data. The second group-project studies the impact of cognitive technologies on the social and cognitive coordination between individuals in organizational and community contexts. Wimmics was involved in the second group-project. In this group, we reported our work on the analysis and modeling of the representations shared by members of a group (also called common ground or common frame of reference).

MSHS : SyCoViSo project, Systèmes Cognitifs et Formes de Vie Sociale

Participants : Alain Giboin, Elena Cabrio, Fabien Gandon.

SyCoViSo is a project of the MSHS Sud-Est that brings together researchers in HSS and ITCS. Several Inria teams are involved in this project, including Wimmics. SyCoViSo goal is to analyze and model internal and external cognitive processes involved in various forms of social life. SycoViso consisted originally of eight thematic groups; Wimmics was a member of the ”Artifacts, interaction and social networks” group. Following the two SyCoViSo scientific days organized in June 2013, the project was given a second level of organization with three areas having a cross-disciplinary potential: (1) Computational modelling; (2) Classification of artefacts lying beyond the skin; (3) Unconscious factors impacting decision making: emotions, beliefs, morale, etc. Wimmics interest focused in particular on computational modeling of linguistic exchanges occurring in social networks and online communities.